for  Dr. Carole Pasahow

Dr. Pasahow, sex therapist, has unparalelled credentials and a vast array of experience in her field. After a move to Florida from New Jersey, her 15+ year old website needs to be brought into this decade to help market her in the Palm Beach Gardens area. Together, we’ll write content and design a website to draw in new clients.


Website & Light Branding

Website & Logo: $5,000
Content Writing: $1,800
(total $6,800)


  • 3 Brand Concepts with 3 rounds of edits
  • 2 Home Page Concepts
  • 3 Rounds of Site Edits
  • 10-12 Pages (design, development, and content written with basic Search Engine Optimization)
  • Connect to Google Analytics 
  • Mobile-Optimized Design
  • Basic SEO
  • Built on WordPress with Elementor
  • 6 months Housekeeping ($75/mo)
  • Answers to your questions!
  • Fast and easy communication


  • Design a simple logo that represents you, that you can use on the website and on any other materials. 
  • Get a new domain! Your current domain is making people think that you are still in New Jersey. Maybe drcarolepasahow.com or carolepasahow.com
  • Write clear, client-focused content to help bring in people from Google, with a highlight on serving people local to Palm Beach.
  • Get new headshots 
  • Write a script for and film a welcome video. Because I think this could potentially hold up the whole project, I think this is a great idea that we should considering saving for after we launch the site. 
  • I want to get a new website up for you asap! You already show up #3 on PsychologyToday.com – I think that adding a new website will really start to bring people in from there. Right now, when they click on your website they think you are still in New Jersey and still working with Jim.
HOSTING: Flywheel, around $15/mo
DOMAIN: GoDaddy, around $20/year


Housekeeping: $75/mo (optional but recommended)

Your site needs to be updated regularly. Some people don’t mind managing this themselves, but others just simply don’t remember or don’t want to. A site that is not updated can be hacked more easily than an updated one, so updates ARE important! But, on top of the time, sometimes when updates are made, it can break parts of the site.

This is where I offer a service called Housekeeping! Once a month I login and update all plugins and WordPress, clean up spam and the database, and fix anything that’s not working. See the full list of what’s included here, including small updates for free and 1 hour of updates monthly. 

With all new sites, 6 months are included free!

Please note that changes to the scope of the project can be made at any time, but additional charges may apply.


Begin homework now.
Start Design in August.
Launch in September.

The faster you get back to me, the faster I can turn things around for you. But! I also know you’re busy – and things take time. Don’t rush just to be done!


The above pricing is effective through a start date of December 2024.
If a contract is not signed by that time, and you would still like to work with me, another proposal will be drawn up at current rates.

Accepted payment forms include personal checks via mail or all major credit cards through Freshbooks or Paypal.

Next Steps

Would you like to work with me?
I’d like to work with you!

To accept the proposal, please select the payment option below that works best for you.

Once you accept the proposal, I’ll send you a contract detailing what we’ve agreed upon, written in as little legalese as possible. Then, I will invoice you for the deposit.

Payment must be received before work begins – either in full or one monthly installment.

Of course, if you have questions, please ask!
Either use the form below or send me an email.Here’s hoping we get to work together!