Hey, Linda!

I’m always interested in book recommendations and am looking for excuses to support my local bookstore. So, tell me: what books are you reading right now? Would you recommend them?

—Books A Lot

Hey, Linda! is my weekly advice column. Submit questions here. (It’s anonymous!)

Dear Books a Lot,

What a fun question! I love books. I always have at least two stacks of books (one from the library!) and am usually in the middle of at least 2. Sometimes 3. I’m convinced that reading widely is the single most important thing you can do to be successful.

What I’m reading right now:


High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out —Amanda Ripley

This is the second book by Amanda Ripley that I've read, and, like the last, I thoroughly enjoy her writing, research, and process. If you're looking for a book to explain personal family conflict or to makes sense of the divisions in our current political world, pick this up.


Grasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn —Sanjay Sarma and Luke Yoquinto

A fascinating history on how our classrooms became to be as they are, along with a look at some basic neuroscience that explains how we learn (and might do so better). A bit of a slow read, but super interesting if you've ever lamented your high school education.


Marketing Made Simple: A Step-By-Step Storybrand Guide for Any Business —Donald Miller

Simple and to the point, just as the title says. Donald guides you through how to figure out what your customers want, and continually reminds you along the way that their opinion matters above all else when it comes to selling products and services - anything, really.


Drunk: How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization —Edward Slingerland
Listen over at the Next Big Idea Club: Do We Have Alcohol to Thank for Civilization?

I listened to Edward talk about his book on the Next Big Idea podcast, and found myself satisfied with the information I learned there. Alcohol does stimulate creativity and can help us bond socially. Yay!

There you have it! And, here’s a PSA you didn’t ask for: please, where you can, support your local book store over the bight big box one. Sometimes you need that book right away, and exceptions can be made (absolutions are never okay in my book…), but when you can, make an effort to keep your dollars in your neighborhood.

Til Next Time,

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